North Palm Beach Edition

Chronic Anxiety Panic Attracks? Wish it could just stop?

Feeling Overwhelmed?   You don’t have to live with chronic anxiety anymore, and you don’t need to live with feelings of being overwhelmed or burned out.  There’s something new that can change how you feel and help you take back control of your life. Biofeedback, enhanced by 21st century technology, helps you feel better, manage stress better and improves your …

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It's Hot Everywhere In July

By Brent Myers, Pastor of Community Life Have you noticed that Summer has arrived? If you haven’t, just wait, you will. This is how I can usually tell that our wonderful south Florida Summer has come: when I bathe, get dressed, walk outside the house thirty feet to my car and when I get in – I feel like someone …

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Tips for Beating the Summer Hair Blues

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. Summer is here again, and while most of us think only about our skin during the hot season, it’s important to remember that your hair needs extra attention too. Just as you wouldn’t want to go to the beach without a layer of protective sunscreen, you also don’t want to run around in 90-degree, 90% …

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What Is Dry Eye?

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. When you blink, a film of tears spreads over the eye, making the surface of the eye smooth and clear. Without this tear film, good vision would not be possible. Sometimes people don’t produce enough tears or the right quality of tears to keep their eyes healthy and comfortable. This condition is known …

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Kik Start Your Summer Weight Loss

Approximately 42% of Americans will be considered obese by 2030. This is a staggering prediction! It seems that we are on a never-ending quest for that magic bullet. But is there really a magic fix for obesity? I fear not, as obesity is a complex issue that oftentimes requires a multidisciplinary approach. However, Traditional Chinese Medicine may be another option …

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Why Haven't People Who've Had A Car Wreck Been Told These Facts?

By Richard A. Reiner, D.C. If you’ve recently been involved in a car wreck and suffer from any of the following… •    Neck Pain •    Sharp, shooting Pains in the Arms •    Numbness and Tingling in the Arms or Hands •    Painful Headaches or Dizziness •    Unrelenting Muscle Soreness . ..there may be cause for concern. This may be the …

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Turn Back the Hands of Time

By Daniela Dadurian, M.D. Reversing the aging process is not as easy as taking a miracle pill. It requires many facets of health and wellness. Good nutrition and exercise play a critical role in promoting total body wellness. As the aging process progresses the body can break down many important components in our skin. Collagen is the main source of …

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Putting the Power of Your Health in YOUR Hands

Forget the reviews. Just give me the facts. “This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and even it can inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise, it’s nothing but wires and lights in a box.” – Edward R. Murrow, October 15, 1958 A team of …

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Osteoarthritis Pain Relief and Repair with Stem Cell Prolotherapy

Osteoarthritis is a chronic and debilitating joint disease. It occurs through a sequence of events that has, at its core, a loss of joint cartilage.This affects other joint structures, and eventually will lead to joint space narrowing and bony overgrowth, progressing until joint movement becomes noticeably restricted. What occurs before the cartilage loss? Osteoarthritis almost always begins with ligament weakness …

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Natural Beauty – Becoming the Most Beautiful You

This article is dedicated to my mother for she is the most beautiful woman I know. And for all of the women who are reading this article, I hope the thoughts and principles I share will inspire you to become the most beautiful you. Let’s put beauty into perspective. No matter how rich one becomes, there is always somebody out …

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