North Palm Beach Edition

FOCUS ON MENS HEALTH: Maxim Men’s Health Clinic

The landscape of the health care environment is changing and has been for many years to meet the increased need for specialized service providers.  We all know children see pediatricians and women see gynecologists.  With the evolution of more specialized health care a new group of focused healthcare services are specifically for men.  Men’s health needs are vastly different than …

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Gluten Intolerance

What is gluten? Gluten is a protein which is found in wheat, rye, and barley.  Other grains, like oat and spelt, as well as processed foods can contain gluten as well without being labeled as such.  The properties of gluten are what hold the bread and cake together.  However, these same properties are what interfere with the breakdown and absorption …

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Fitbella: A Personalized Approach to Fitness

Sandy Ballantyne is an active Broker/Associate Realtor and 57 year old West Palm Beach resident.  She is also a Fitbella enthusiast.  Sandy was drawn to Fitbella because the exercises resembled the boot camp style protocol that she had found most effective in toning her body and getting fit.  Sandy’s favorite exercise had always been boot camp until she was injured, …

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Dear Valued Patient, If you are looking for a health care pro-fessional to assist you in reaching your greatest health potential, we urge you to consider Total Rejuvenation. Our greatest goal is to provide you with healthy, alternative choices that will enhance your health and well-being. We wanted to let you know about an exciting addition to our practice and …

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3 Paths to Better Hearing … and a Happier, Healthier You!

Submitted by Dana Luzon, Au.D. CCC-A, FAAA Written by Crystal Chalmers, Au.D., From the start of the industrial revolution and the mechanization of our society to the Herculean effort of U.S. industry during World War II (when all those Rosie the Riveters stepped in to take the place of men working in our factories) to the rock ’n roll …

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Obesity: Current Medical Knowledge – Part Three

By Suheil Khuri M.D. – 2. Behavior / Habit With all other senses you think before you respond, but with scent, your brain responds before you think. This makes us seek food without thinking. For a successful weight reduction program the following behavior / habit changes and modifications are needed: – Self-monitor your progress daily. – Develop methods to recover …

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Gum Disease Surpasses Diabetes with Nearly 65 Million Affected

By Lee R. Cohen, D.D.S., M.S., M.S. – With one in every two adults age 30 and older suffering from periodontal disease (commonly referred to as gum disease), the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and its 8,300 members are calling for Americans to Love the Gums They’re with. Periodontal disease can lead to receding gums, bone damage, loss of teeth, …

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Professional Show Management is presenting an upscale Health Beauty & Fitness Show.  If you sell Health, Beauty and Fitness products then this is the show for you, with a unique opportunity to demonstrate and present your services and products face to face with qualified customers. The Health, Beauty & Fitness Show takes place at the Palm Beach Convention Center on …

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Trouble Going to Sleep? Staying Asleep? Difficulty Waking?

New technology helps you sleep better, feel more rested, for even the toughest cases. By Michael Cohen, Founder, Center for Brain Training – Do you find yourself lying awake at night worrying or being unable to shut off your mind? Maybe you don’t feel rested or like you’re always trying to “catch-up” on sleep? Do you wake multiple times througout …

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Safe, Natural Pain Relief with Acupuncture

Safe, Natural Pain Relief with Acupuncture

By Stephen Sedita, AP – While acupuncture can be used to treat virtually any health condition, by far the most commonly thought of medical issue for acupuncture is pain.  And with good reason.  Acupuncture is safe, natural, and has virtually no side effects.  Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated acupuncture to provide effective and lasting pain relief for lower back pain, …

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