North Palm Beach Edition

The MCU™ Provides Miraculous Relief From Chronic Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common occurrence in normal day life, now there is a solution! A practicing dentist for 35 years in New York, Robert Herbsman is now retired and living in Juno Beach. The constant bending over to work on patients’ teeth while seated in his dental chair left him with severe head and neck pain. “The pain in …

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New Technology Predicts Early Age Heart Disease Risks

Look for a new noninvasive technology in your Primary Care Physician’s office that can accurately predict your risk of heart disease by age 30. Area Primary Care Physicians are just learning of new technology aiding them in identifying and providing early intervention for those at increased of heart disease. And the response is tremendous. This new technology allows physicians to …

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Laser Liposuction

Laser Liposuction has been around for many years and should have made traditional liposuction obsolete by now, however many physicians are still performing traditional liposuction for several reasons. It can be performed under general anesthesia, and there is no large investment involved as there is with a laser technology. When a patient is put under general anesthesia, the trauma that …

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Holiday Stress and Weight Gain: The combination most dreaded by Americans can be avoided with a few simple steps

It was not surprising to learn that holiday weight gain ranked second in what people dread most about the holidays. Gaining weight is on the minds of many Americans and for good reason. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) revealed, …

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Post Concussion Syndrome

by Dr. Jonathan Chung Head injuries continue to be a hot topic in sports medicine and sports media. The 2015-2016 NFL season has seen a staggering 166 concussions take place during games. For most people, the symptoms of a concussion will fade within 7 days. The brain will make generally recover within 10 days on average. These patients will likely …

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Healthy Holidays To You

By Karina Hammer, Certified Health & Wellness Coach It’s that time of the year again! It’s time to celebrate the holidays with parties, get-togethers, corporate dinners, and of course the endless family celebrations. While the holidays can sneak up on us, every year doesn’t mean the pounds have to follow. The average American will gain 7-10 pounds between Thanksgiving and …

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New Technology Makes Early Detection of This Nation’s Leading Cause of Death Possible

A new, noninvasive technology that screens people for signs of hardened arteries aims to find heart disease long before symptoms develop, and early enough to do something about it. The Soteria Cardiac Platform will revolutionize the way we screen, test, and treat Atherosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis are often used interchangeable. Simply put, we are referring to changes in the artery wall that: …

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Top 4 Questions Patients Ask About Robotic FUE Hair Transplant Surgery

By Dr. Alan J. Bauman Permanently restoring one’s hair to a more youthful and healthy state with a hair transplant can make you look and feel great. But, what’s new in the field of hair transplantation that has improved patient comfort, downtime, naturalness and overall results?  The ARTAS robotic-assisted follicular unit extraction hair transplant is the latest advancement in the …

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“Welcome Relief from Feminine Aging Symptoms”

by Dr. Robin Sykes Many women are reluctant to talk about the changes that occur “down under” as we age. Often times symptoms begin as early as after child birth, but then become worse with natural changes associated with decrease in hormone levels and the passage of time. Symptoms range from stress incontinence (leakage), laxity of the tissue and decrease …

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Who Should I See for a Hearing Problem?

Written by Nora Fuchs, Au.D., Audio-Logic, P.C. Submitted by Dana Luzon, Au.D., Audiology & Hearing Aids of the Palm Beaches It can be confusing to know who to turn to for what. What is the difference between an audiologist, an ENT, a hearing aid dispenser, and even my primary care physician? If I do have a hearing loss, why should …

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