By Dr. Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS Board-Certified Hair Restoration Physician One of the scariest aspects of hair loss is that the process is often well underway before you can see it in the mirror. “Invisible baldness” is essentially the initial stage of a chronic hair loss condition such as androgenetic alopecia that is especially difficult to spot with the …
Read More »South Palm Beach Edition
A selfie is a photograph of yourself taken with a mobile phone or other handheld device, and uploaded to social media – Facbook, Instagam, Twtitter, etc. Personally, I am fascinated with the whole selfie concept. I wonder: do people think so much of themselves that they want others to look at them? Or do they think so little of themselves …
Read More »Pandemic Fallout: The COVID-Hair Loss Connection
By Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS We can all agree that 2020 has been a stressful year – and unfortunately isn’t showing signs of letting up anytime soon. There’s plenty of “stress” to go around: concerns for our health and the health of our loved-ones, our financial health, changes in work or school from home, impacts to our lifestyle including …
Read More »COVID-19 and the Dentist
Most people have significant anxiety regarding returning to their dentist’s office due to the pandemic. The American Dental Association (ADA), along with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have developed information based on research to help relieve this anxiety. The top priority of any dental office is to protect both the patients and dental team. In general, almost all offices …
Read More »Have the Best Time Playing Golf
Golf has one of the biggest challenges of all sports, the ball is not moving and you have lots of time to think, prepare to swing and then swing. What if the swing is impeded by pain or mental restlessness? This was happening to Jeff before he came to Balance Point Acupuncture Clinic. Jeff had been suffering for 6 month …
Read More »The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Amniotic, Placental, and Umbilical “Stem Cells”
By: Regenexx at Gold Coast Orthopedics and Regenerative Medicine Utilizing birth tissues to harvest stem cells for orthopedic and other areas of medicine is an exciting topic. However, there are currently no FDA-approved uses for allogeneic (coming from someone else) stem cell products other than cord blood or bone marrow transplantations after certain kinds of cancer treatments. More disturbing is …
Through quarantines, shelter in place, social distancing, wearing face masks, economic strains, school closures and lots and lots of stress, your brain has been handling the pressure from the pandemic without issue. However, in the past month, without a specific cause, your brain may have been struggling. Why does it seem like it’s happening all of sudden? We are past …
Read More »What Is Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO)?
By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. Arteries and veins carry blood throughout your body, including your eyes. The eye’s retina has one main artery and one main vein. When branches of the retinal vein become blocked, it is called branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). When the vein is blocked, blood and fluid spills out into the retina. The macula …
Read More »All the Rage with Celebrities, The Vampire Facelift and Facial Can Give You Your Youthful Appearance Back
As we age skin can become dull, lose elasticity and droop. There are of course surgical options and hyaluronic acid fillers, but the procedures that are topping everyone’s wish list are the Vampire facelift and the vampire facial. Naturally found in your blood, platelets are a rich source of proteins called growth factors, which promote healing and regeneration. Platelet-rich plasma …
How can you plan for the inheritance of a disabled child in order to preserve their ability to receive government benefits? Do you have a disabled child who will be inheriting from your estate? Does this disabled child receive government benefits? Many families are not aware that once a disabled child (minor or adult), who is receiving government benefits, receives …
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